The new year marks the start of new beginnings, so there’s no better time to revisit your personal financial strategy. Drawing up an economic plan with clear, achievable goals can improve your long term financial health and help protect you and your family against...
Planning for and analysis of different scenarios is essential for all businesses to ensure their future success – performing ‘what if’ scenarios can help business owners to better understand each financial decision or investment. Scenario planning is a financial...
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are measurable values that show how effectively a business is realising its key objectives. How you measure the success of your business is vital to ensure you meet your overall strategic plans and objectives. Measuring KPIs helps you...
You don’t have to spend long running a business before you realise how important cash flow is: the balance between money coming into your company and the money going out on a weekly or monthly basis. Cash flow issues are one of the most common causes of sleepless...
The Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, delivered his Spring Statement on 23 March. Faced with the task of creating a ‘strong economy’ for the UK, against the challenging background of high inflation, rising costs and the threat of conflict in Europe, he announced a raft of new...
As your company year end date gets closer, there are a number of administrative and financial tasks to start planning for – so it’s a good idea to get yourself organised and ready. There are several things to check, either on the year end date, or before the end of...